Once Was Lost
Publisher: Little, Brown Books
Released: October 1, 2009
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 224
Source: Library
Sam's life should be perfect being the pastor's daughter and all. Except her life isn't at all perfect, at least not since her mom was sent to rehab after getting a DUI, her dad is more dedicated to his congregation than his own family, and Sam just can't believe in a God who would let all these things happen. Sam's personal crisis is only magnified when a local girl goes missing. The entire town is turned upside down as they rise together to search for the missing girl.
I love Sara Zarr. Story of a Girl and Sweethearts were both fantastic. So I had high hopes for Once Was Lost, but I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed. I didn't love Sam. She just wasn't the kind of character I could wrap my brain around and become. I almost feel like I need to reread it and try again. I wanted to like it more than I did, but it just didn't hold up for me. I was mad at both of Sam's parents and her youth group leader more often than not, and her relationship with the missing girl's brother Nick wasn't very realistic. Maybe I needed more heat or something. Overall it may have been a little "meh" for me, but I would still recommend it to any Sara Zarr fans. It's gotten some great reviews, so hopefully you all will like it more than I did.
Thanks for the honest review! I LOVED both her other books a lot, so I had high hopes for this one too. I think I might still try it (: