Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Maybe We Should See Other People... (1)

Ever start a book you were really looking forward to reading and it just...didn't live up to your expectations? I, personally, hate that. Your first instinct is to blame it all on the book. But then you think about it, and it's not really the book's fault. So then you start to wonder if there's something wrong with you. Surely you must be missing something because this person loved it and it won that award. Again, I hate that feeling. And so this feature, Maybe We Should See Other People, was born. Because you know, every book deserves a chance, and I'm sure there's someone else out there who will love it - maybe even a future me.

Lucy Christopher
May 4, 2009

Forever Young Adult
Makeshift Bookmark
Frenetic Reader

The subject matter alone left me a bit reluctant to begin, but Stolen was a Printz honor book, for crying out loud. It was supposed to be amazing, and I couldn't let an uncomfortable storyline get in my way. Unfortunately though, regardless of the plot, it was the format that forced me to shelf it. Without chapters or defined pauses, I just couldn't get into it. This was a case where it was definitely me, not the book. I am a sporadic reader who likes to read a chapter or two at a time, and without clear stopping points, I couldn't continue. I'd love to give it another try when I have a day to devote to it without distractions, but it just hasn't happened yet.

Did you read Stolen? If so, what did you think? Has there been another well-received book you couldn't get into? Leave answers in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. This has actually been happening to me a lot lately! And it's so depressing! Then it puts me in a reading slump and well, you know...

    Life is But a Dream is one of the ones that this recently happened with, I couldn't even finish it. Wait, no, Everneath too. I mean I liked it, but I didn't LOVE it like I thought I would and I really really wanted to :\


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