Friday, January 21, 2011


Twice a year, Natasha of Maw Books hosts a three-day blogging marathon called Bloggiesta. Pedro the mascot (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize.) is kicking things off today for Bloggeista's fourth edition!

Head on over to Maw Books to sign up for the challenge!

I have several goals to meet this weekend, so let's get started. This is my starting list for everything I've been meaning to accomplish. It's a pretty long list, so the likelihood of me getting to it all in three days is slim to none. But, typing it all out will hold me accountable to at least some of it, right?

- catch up on reviews
- create post templates
- update review archive
- tweak about me page
- add/create labels for posts
- create a review policy
- work on future discussion posts
- update social network profiles
- clean up google reader
- add copyright info
- order business cards
- organize goodreads shelves
- finish up secret project to announce next month


  1. Good luck - especially with the "secret project"! :-)

  2. It's always good to go in with expectations that you won't finish everything on your list. Good luck Jamie. And if you need any help with anything give me a shout out on Twitter @bloggiesta!


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